
Menu·Álacarte·Obědovémenu·NEJOBLÍBENĚJŠÍZMLÝNCE·Steakovémenustataráky·Víkendovýbrunch·Valentýnskémenu·VEGANSKÉMENU·Vinnýlístek·Pro ...,ThefoodwasexcellentandrepresentativeofCzechcuisinewhilealsobeingcreativeinitspreparation.WewentwiththeCzechtastingmenu(Ihighly ...,MlynecRestaurant|Menu·WARMSTARTERS·MAINCOURSES·DESSERTS.Chocolatefondant-coconut,burntchocolate,biscuit-295CZK.Creampuff-pistachio...


Menu · Á la carte · Obědové menu · NEJOBLÍBENĚJŠÍ Z MLÝNCE · Steakové menu s tataráky · Víkendový brunch · Valentýnské menu · VEGANSKÉ MENU · Vinný lístek · Pro ...


The food was excellent and representative of Czech cuisine while also being creative in its preparation. We went with the Czech tasting menu (I highly ...

Mlynec Restaurant Menu

Mlynec Restaurant | Menu · WARM STARTERS · MAIN COURSES · DESSERTS. Chocolate fondant - coconut, burnt chocolate, biscuit - 295 CZK. Cream puff - pistachio ...

Mlynec Restaurant Prague

The menu offers a wide variation, Japanese, Indian, French or Thai there is something for all tastes. Or try traditional Czech cuisine like the delicious ...

Restaurace Mlýnec (布拉格)

Restaurace Mlýnec(布拉格): 讀讀4495則則關於Restaurace Mlýnec客觀公正的美食評論,在Tripadvisor的5分滿分評等中得4.5分,在布拉格的5783家餐廳中排第17名。

September menu at Mlýnec

MENU. MENU 1 390 CZK / 56 € VINE 790 CZK / 32 € PUMPKIN CONSOMMÉ, kari, feta, coriander. Pinot Bianco 2015, Colterenzio, Magnum SALMON TROUT,


Top Restaurant in Prague with modern Czech and international cuisine, open kitchen, terrace with a view on the Charles Bridge, Sunday brunch, ...

[奧匈捷自助] 捷克布拉格米其林推薦Restaurant Mlýnec 菜單 ...

2018年8月25日 — 鮭魚、鱒魚雙拼口味普普通通。 魚肉都只是微熟,肉質嫩,但蕃茄醬有點鹹。


2022年1月22日 — 《Mlýnec》的菜單部分很簡單,整體來說也不算貴。特別如果沒有要點套餐的人,單點的價格也不是太貴喔。但如果想要好好享受、或者慶祝一下,套餐 ...